Diocese of Knoxville well represented at annual state convention By Andy Telli The Knights of Columbus’ commitment to charity and helping Catholic men deepen their faith was on full display during the 121st State Convention of the Tennessee State Council, held April 26-27 at the Marriott Cool Springs Hotel in …
In the images of God
By Bill Brewer Thanks to an effective fundraising campaign by Knights of Columbus Council 3175 at St. Mary Parish in Oak Ridge, Choices Resource Center is now counseling expectant mothers with the aid of new ultrasound technology. Choices Resource Center provides free pregnancy-related counseling services to women and couples, …
Knights of Columbus Cor initiative bolsters faith
Formation, prayer, fraternity at the heart of program with Diocese of Knoxville ties By Kimberly Heatherington OSV News When Supreme Knight Patrick Kelly, leader of more than 2 million Knights of Columbus members worldwide, met with Pope Francis at the Vatican in April, he shared an insight about the era …
St. Mary-Oak Ridge Knights council celebrates 75th anniversary
By Bill Brewer When the Father McRedmond Council of the Knights of Columbus was founded 75 years ago, a number of historic events framed the beginning of this faith-based Oak Ridge service organization. It was 1948, and the nation of Israel was created. Subsequently five Arab nations attacked the country. …
New Knights state deputy from St. Thérèse of Lisieux
Knights of Columbus state convention was held April 28-29, officers are named By Andy Telli Tennessee Register For the last five years, the Knights of Columbus in Tennessee have been on a journey to help Catholic men strengthen their faith. Bill Markiewicz’s mission as the newly elected state deputy is …
A New Hope
Ultrasounds are a critical tool for health-care providers and mothers-to-be; Knights of Columbus working with pregnancy help centers in the Diocese of Knoxville By Janice Fritz-Ryken They say a picture is worth a thousand words, and Beth Henderson, CEO of New Hope Pregnancy Care Center of Cleveland, agrees. Ms. Henderson …
Knights in Fairfield Glade donate $8,275 to Hilltoppers
Monsignor Philip Thoni Knights of Columbus Council 16088, representing St. Francis of Assisi Parish in Fairfield Glade and through its KinD Charities of Tennessee, recently donated $8,275 to Hilltoppers Inc. “We are committed to helping wherever we can,” said local KinD Charities director Roland Wicker, who presented the donation, “and …
Knights deliver more than 1,000 pounds of food to CCETN
Fourth Degree Knights of Columbus Assembly 1083 conducted a four-parish food drive the weekend of Nov. 5 to benefit Catholic Charities of East Tennessee in the Diocese of Knoxville. With the generous help of Knights from councils 5207 (the Cathedral of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus), 15706 (All Saints …
Schachle family visits St. Henry Church
A small white minivan pulled into the parking lot at St. Henry Church in Rogersville on Oct. 23, and six of the 13 Schachle children departed the vehicle along with parents Michelle and Daniel. They came to St. Henry by invitation of pastor Father Bart Okere, also the Tennessee state …
Knights volunteer for Special Olympics bowling event
On Sept. 9, Knights of Columbus Council 8860 provided a team of six parishioners and Knights from St. Henry Parish in Rogersville to work as volunteer coaches for the Special Olympics at Warpath Bowling Center in Kingsport. Christy Thacker, Area 32 Coordinator for the Special Olympics, said that this event …
Knights board of directors keeps its Tennessee flavor
Directors leaving and joining have Knoxville ties By Andy Telli Tennessee Register At the recent 140th Knights of Columbus Supreme Convention held in Nashville, one Tennessean rolled off the Knights’ board of directors and another rolled on. Michael McCusker of the Memphis suburb of Germantown, the immediate past state deputy …
Notre Dame Parish Knights hold fundraiser for Ukraine refugees
The Knights of Columbus of Notre Dame Parish in Greeneville held a pulled-pork fundraiser Aug. 12 for the refugees of Ukraine. The event began Friday morning when several of the Knights came together and got their slow cookers going. Several pork roasts were prepared along with a special homemade barbecue …