Blessed John XXIII, Knoxville
The Elf Project is recruiting volunteers for Christmas 2012. This is the fifth year that Blessed John XXIII Parish has partnered with the Elf Project to provide Christmas gifts to children in Knox and Anderson counties. Participants are asked for a commitment of $50 per child and about an hour of time to meet and shop with the parents of the gift recipients. In 2011 gifts were provided to 298. Contact Sandra McEntire at to register.
Immaculate Conception, Knoxville
The IC women’s group is collecting items for comfort care baskets for cancer patients. A list of appropriate items to donate can be found in the back of the church. The items will be given to chemotherapy patients at the Thompson Cancer Survival Center at Fort Sanders Regional Medical Center.
The annual women’s group craft fair will take place after all Masses the weekend of Nov. 17-18. To learn more or reserve booth space, contact Beth Meyer at 865-456-8857 or
Knights of Columbus Council 645 is sponsoring a free father-son dinner at 6 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 8, at IC. The guest speaker will be Knoxville Police Chief David Rausch. Grilled hamburgers with all the trimmings will be served.
Baptism: Bronx Giovanni Rivera, son of Michael and Brittany Rivera
Sacred Heart Cathedral
The young-adult ministry will be reading My Life With the Saints by Father James Martin, SJ, from 6:30-7:30 p.m. Thursdays beginning Nov. 8 and ending Dec. 20 (except Thanksgiving) in the youth center. Participants ages 20-40 are welcome to attend. Contact Kat Edwards for more information at
St. Albert the Great, Knoxville
The St. Albert high school youth group will have a progressive dinner starting at 5 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 10. Food, games, and dessert with the pastor, Father Chris Michelson, are planned for the evening. For details, contact Grace Lawley at 865-300-4198 or 922-5239.
Baptism: Eile Roan, daughter of Kelsey and Brennan Lenihan
St. Joseph the Worker, Madisonville
The parish prayed a Rosary Novena for Life and Liberty during the week of Oct. 14-22.
The parish is collecting money for the Pregnancy Resource Center through the Bottles for Babies program. Parishioners are asked to fill the provided baby bottles and return them to the parish by Sunday. Nov. 4. Contact the parish office at 423-442-7273.
St. Mary, Gatlinburg
St. Mary Church had a blessing of the animals on Oct. 4, the feast of St. Francis of Assisi. A covered-dish dinner followed the blessing.