Holy Ghost, Knoxville
A rosary novena was held Oct. 29 through Nov. 6 for the needs of the country.
The parish is sponsoring faith-enrichment classes during the Year of Faith from 7 to 9 p.m. Wednesdays in Father Albert Henkel Hall. The classes will be on a three-week rotating schedule using a series of presentations made by Bishop Fulton Sheen on the Catholic faith, the Catholicism series by Father Robert Barron, and the Great Adventure Bible Study by Jeff Cavins. Contact the parish office for more information at 865-522-2205.
Immaculate Conception, Knoxville
Baptisms: Catherine Teresa Roovers, daughter of Ryan and Kate Roovers; Alexander Robert Ellsworth, son of Daniel and Irina Ellsworth.
The parish will be having a monthly collection on the fourth Sunday of each month to support its sister parish, St. Francis Xavier in Fond-des-Blancs, Haiti.
Sacred Heart Cathedral
The Haiti ministry at Sacred Heart is planning a trip to Bouli from Dec. 1-8 to provide medical aid and to assist with the construction of a clinic in the area. The projects will include installing windows, doors, and iron bars into stone and mortar. Dr. Dean Mire will be leading the trip.
St. Albert the Great, Knoxville
Baptism: Tristan Jay Lawson, son of Marivic and Scott Lawson