Brittany Garcia named director of Youth, Young Adult, Pastoral Juvenil Ministries

Bishop Richard F. Stika has appointed Brittany Garcia to lead the newly named diocesan Office of Youth, Young Adult, and Pastoral Juvenil. Mrs. Garcia has led the Pastoral Juvenil Hispana ministry in the diocese for the past five years. She is an East Tennessee native and is an elected member of the Board of LaRED (the National Catholic Network of Pastoral Juvenil). Ms. Garcia also is part of the National Leadership Forum on Ministry with Young Adults, and she recently accepted an invitation from NFCYM (the National Federation of Catholic Youth Ministry) to co-author a Christus Vivit study guide for youth and young adult ministry leaders. She began her new duties on July 1.

Comments 1

  1. Hola Brittany! Leí acerca de tu misión y lo que para un hispano en Estados Unidos significa el servicio a más comunidades. Mi hija que ya sale de la Highschool acá en el área de Pittsburgh se ha mostrado interesada en darse tiempo para ir a una misión antes de emprender otro compromiso o proyecto. Conoces algunas organizaciones que ahora estén aceptando jóvenes para servir en el sur de Estados Unidos otro país hispanohablante? Te agradezco tu apoyo y que tengas una muy bendecida semana!

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