Sheri Fava, program leader with Catholic Charities of East Tennessee’s Pregnancy Help Center in Chattanooga, was recently honored as the Child Passenger Safety Technician of the Year at the 33rd annual Tennessee Lifesavers Conference.
The award is for an individual child passenger safety technician who has proved an exceptional advocate for child passenger safety.
Ms. Fava was selected based on her demonstrated service to caregivers and children through programs, the number of hours worked at child passenger safety events, the number of individual events at which she has worked, the conscientious compliance with record-keeping tasks, and a showing of passion for service to the public.
As the only child passenger safety technician with Catholic Charities of East Tennessee, Ms. Fava has single-handedly provided education and guidance to more than 100 families in two counties encompassing removing damaged or recalled seats from circulation, and helping caregivers learn how to correctly install more than 75 car seats.