Knoxville Knight Mike Wills is convention featured speaker, Jerry Dougherty is Knight of the Year By Andy Telli, The Tennessee Register Tennesseans are facing a crucial vote on the abortion issue in November, when an amendment to the state Constitution allowing the state legislature to pass “common sense” regulations will …
Handmaids of the Precious Blood mark diocesan anniversary
By Stephanie Richer A year isn’t a long period of time. But for the Handmaids of the Precious Blood, it has brought about an entirely new chapter of life. On May 6, Bishop Richard F. Stika, accompanied by fellow priests Father Jerry Daniels, Father P.J. McGinnity, and Father Hoan Dinh, …
Pilgrims witness history as Popes John XXIII, John Paul II canonized
Bishop Stika, Cardinal Rigali celebrate Masses in Rome with Diocese of Knoxville group Among the hundreds of thousands of Catholic faithful in St. Peter’s Square on Divine Mercy Sunday to witness history as Popes John XXIII and John Paul II were canonized were a group of parishioners from the Diocese …
Diocesan calendar
Bishop Richard F. Stika will ordain Jesus Guerrero Rodriguez, Ray Powell, and Scott Russell to the transitional diaconate at 11 a.m. Saturday, June 14, at the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart. All are invited to attend. The annual Mass and Sending of the Neophytes is scheduled for 5 p.m. Sunday, …
Parish notes: Chattanooga Deanery
Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Chattanooga Volunteers are needed to host clients of Family Promise, an organization that works with the homeless, the week of July 6-13. Greeters, helpers to lead activities, and meals are needed. To volunteer, call Lisa Kosky at 423-877-5982 or Ann Wells at 706-581-0410. St. Jude, …
Chattanooga Deanery calendar
The Sant’Egidio Community meets every Tuesday at 7 p.m. at the University of Tennessee Catholic Student Center in Chattanooga. For more information, contact Father Michael Cummins at 423-624-4618. For further information on the community in general, visit The Our Lady of Perpetual Help School football clinic is set for …
Parish notes: Cumberland Mountain Deanery
All Saints, Knoxville The All Saints vacation Bible school, “Weird Animals: Where Jesus’ Love is One of a Kind,” will be held in the parish hall from 9 a.m. to noon June 23-27. Registration is being held after weekend Masses. Registration is also available online at For more information, …
Cumberland Mountain Deanery calendar
The Frassati Group for young adults ages 18-35 meets at the main entrance of All Saints Church at 7 p.m. Thursdays. For more information or a schedule of activities, contact Elijah Martin at 828-606-2961. St. Mary School will be offering a variety of weeklong morning and afternoon camps beginning the …
Zimmermans celebrate 50th wedding anniversary
Tony and June Zimmermann of St. Francis of Assisi Parish in Fairfield Glade celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary April 4. They were married at St. Rose of Lima Church in Murfreesboro with Father (now Monsignor) Philip Thoni officiating. Their children are Anita Burleson of Lansing, Kan.; Martha Chambers of Sierra …
Knights in Morristown support local groups
The citizens of Hamblen County again responded to the needs of people with mental challenges for the 33rd year. During the Knights of Columbus’ annual Tootsie Roll street collections last fall after Thanksgiving and before Christmas, local citizens and businesses gave more than $9,300. This money came in from roadblocks …
CCW at Notre Dame learns about ‘Bags of Love’
The Council of Catholic Women of Notre Dame Parish in Greeneville held its Feb. 16 meeting in the parish hall. The council hosted Susan Schnell, director of the Northeast Tennessee chapter of “Bags of Love.” Ms. Schnell explained that the purpose of the organization is to provide support to children …
Parish notes: Five Rivers Deanery
Holy Trinity, Jefferson City The parish collected $2,407 from the Friday Lenten meals, which will be used to purchase groceries to feed the work teams who will participate in the Appalachian Outreach drive during July. The parish vacation Bible school, “Gangway to Galilee,” will take place from 6-8:30 p.m. June …